Trust is critical
Building a Culture of Trust is essential to drive, deliver and sustain rapid change and improvement. It is a vital element of driving business performance whether serving paying customers, delivering to demanding citizens and the public, delivering essential services to patients, service users, pupils and students or supporting those in the voluntary sector.
Organisations subject to threats to their existence and challenging times ahead in the commercial, public and third sectors, are having to deliver major changes carefully:
- Consolidating several operations
- Rethinking their role and future strategy as Brexit bites
- Reviewing organisational structures
- Potential downsizing
- Searching for investors, buyers or a rescue package
- Agreeing to merge with others
Those whose glass is ‘half full’ rather than ‘half empty’ will experience new challenges including:
- Acquiring new businesses or operations
- Growing their business organically in new markets
- Arising to the challenge of Brexit on new deals and contracts and consolidating current temporary or fledging relationships or agreements
- Investing for substantial growth in a variety of new and diverse markets
- Consolidating and undertaking post-acquisition integration
- New Technology Start-Ups
Whatever the circumstance, the organisation requires consistency and accuracy in designing and building a Culture that can service and support it. This culture has to be grounded in two key elements Customer: Focus and Trust, with all stakeholders, starting with the staff.
Creating Culture Change: Vision to KPIs
Building a strong Culture is not rocket science if you know how it works. It starts with building a Culture that can support the Vision to KPIs formula. If you don’t have a clear and robust Vision and direction of where the organisation is going, how can you possibly formulate core goals reflecting CSFs (critical success factors), Priorities, Strategies to achieve the Goals, Structure to demonstrate how to resource the Strategies, Behaviour and KPIs?
We find these questions help get started
- What is the Vision for the Organisation?
- What does the organisation want to Be, Do and Have?
- What Leadership do we need to take us to this Vision?
- Do we currently have that capability and capacity at various levels? How do we manage any gap?
- How do we define our Critical Success Factors (CSFs), so they are both prioritised and welcomed and supported by all?
- How do we measure performance in achieving our CSFs and the numbers that accompany how we track their progress?
- What Behaviours do we have to inculcate to support staff and teams in working across as well as up and down the business?
- What core business processes are essential to our operations, and how well are they performing relative to others in our sector?
For more on our approach to building Trust and Culture Change click here.
Articles on Culture Change