Successful Rapid Improvement Events

RIE’s can be seen as a very positive move towards implementing change. They can also be seen as a ‘catch all’ a ‘wake-up call’ or as a ‘safety net’ when change is not happening fast enough.
They have a reputation for being uplifting one - three day events when everything works 100%. They can be very stimulating, empowering and rewarding but one has to take account of the indicators and contra indicators of staging such a successful event.
Most RIE’s are associated with Kaizen – ‘good change’ events which gained popularity some years ago as part of cost reduction rather than quality improvement projects. Be ware that quality improvement, rather than cost or waste reduction, is the goal. RIEs can be very effective as a change tool but are more effective if staged as part a lean process in the armoury of change towards implementing a climate of continuous improvement.
This note is intended as a planning tool to ensure that RIE’s are successful. Note, if too many contra-indications are present, you will have to work with the sponsor to ensure you reverse their polarity.
Email us now if you would like a copy of our PDF on preparing for an RIE
They have a reputation for being uplifting one - three day events when everything works 100%. They can be very stimulating, empowering and rewarding but one has to take account of the indicators and contra indicators of staging such a successful event.
Most RIE’s are associated with Kaizen – ‘good change’ events which gained popularity some years ago as part of cost reduction rather than quality improvement projects. Be ware that quality improvement, rather than cost or waste reduction, is the goal. RIEs can be very effective as a change tool but are more effective if staged as part a lean process in the armoury of change towards implementing a climate of continuous improvement.
This note is intended as a planning tool to ensure that RIE’s are successful. Note, if too many contra-indications are present, you will have to work with the sponsor to ensure you reverse their polarity.
Email us now if you would like a copy of our PDF on preparing for an RIE