Research & Health Check

Rigorous Analysis
Undertaking a rigorous health check is critical if we wish our organisations to be profitable, to flourish, expand, grow and return optimum shareholder value. As individuals we take all steps necessary to maintain positive health and take immediate action if we experience illness. Organizations do not always have the same self-regulating mechanism that helps them seek expert advice. When we individually experience ill-health we probably automatically seek medical assistance - this analogy does not apply to the typical organisation.
Symptoms of Failure can be reversed if caught in time
You have probably experienced this in an organisation where you have been a manager or staff member. Everyone knows the organisation is not performing to its expected performance levels - its just that no one knows how to take remedial action. It also does not help that not everyone experiences the same malady or dysfunctional way of working. Those who are customer facing and report daily to the customer may know that things are not working but it takes some time for this message to permeate the management culture and eventually catch the attention of the top team.
Undoubtedly, when they experience the symptoms of 'ill-health' they may then choose to take action - long after the original problems arose. Our philosophy is: we can identify and catch the problem in time, and specific focused action can be taken to correct the problem and prevent it arising again.
Because of the time gap between the problem arising and action being taken, the organisation may have experienced severe problems, resulting in loss of customer retention and loyalty, missed marketing and business opportunities, a severe decline in morale, unnecessary 'churn' of staff from critical areas all resulting in lack of competitiveness and a decline in profitability and reputation.
We take corrective and preventative action using our unique approach based on focusing precisely on the causes of the problem, and devoting our energies to implementing a solution. Our organisational diagnostics are tailored to identify specific cause-effect relationships and quickly implementing solutions. Consider the benefits that accrue to you from taking action to resolve these key issues by clicking on the links below.
Contact us should you require our support - email Philip
Undertaking a rigorous health check is critical if we wish our organisations to be profitable, to flourish, expand, grow and return optimum shareholder value. As individuals we take all steps necessary to maintain positive health and take immediate action if we experience illness. Organizations do not always have the same self-regulating mechanism that helps them seek expert advice. When we individually experience ill-health we probably automatically seek medical assistance - this analogy does not apply to the typical organisation.
Symptoms of Failure can be reversed if caught in time
You have probably experienced this in an organisation where you have been a manager or staff member. Everyone knows the organisation is not performing to its expected performance levels - its just that no one knows how to take remedial action. It also does not help that not everyone experiences the same malady or dysfunctional way of working. Those who are customer facing and report daily to the customer may know that things are not working but it takes some time for this message to permeate the management culture and eventually catch the attention of the top team.
Undoubtedly, when they experience the symptoms of 'ill-health' they may then choose to take action - long after the original problems arose. Our philosophy is: we can identify and catch the problem in time, and specific focused action can be taken to correct the problem and prevent it arising again.
Because of the time gap between the problem arising and action being taken, the organisation may have experienced severe problems, resulting in loss of customer retention and loyalty, missed marketing and business opportunities, a severe decline in morale, unnecessary 'churn' of staff from critical areas all resulting in lack of competitiveness and a decline in profitability and reputation.
We take corrective and preventative action using our unique approach based on focusing precisely on the causes of the problem, and devoting our energies to implementing a solution. Our organisational diagnostics are tailored to identify specific cause-effect relationships and quickly implementing solutions. Consider the benefits that accrue to you from taking action to resolve these key issues by clicking on the links below.
- Poor implementation of corporate strategy across the whole business
- Managers ignoring their responsibility to implement and manage change
- Failing to grow the business and new customers, geographies and products
- Exceptionally poor staff retention or excessive churn in vital areas of the business
- Decline in customer satisfaction, resulting in poor retention and a fall in new business
- Long standing decline in morale and profitability
- Failing to develop the synergies expected when bringing two organisations together - such as in a merger
- Post acquisition blues and lacklustre performance
Contact us should you require our support - email Philip