The life you have today and how you operate is fundamentally down to the influence of the average of the six or seven people you associate with most. Ostensibly, you are influenced by the quality of the decisions they make or don’t…..
You are a Magnet
You are a magnet that can be attracted towards people who display the same energy as yourself.
If you are surrounded by like-minded ‘high flyer’ types, who are prepared to take and make better life choices, you probably emulate their success and display similar or identical attitudes and behaviours.
If you surround yourself with people operating at a lower level of energy, it will also have a similar impact on what you are able to become, do and have.
What happens if you want to change the results you are attracting?
It is time to assess who is going to take you to the next level. It is time to find a mentor who has trodden the same path, but who can short-circuit the process.
Sometimes you need support to get you started
If you want to change things for yourself, you must take ownership. Developing success for you is determined by how you manage your energy and your time to raise yourself well above the average standards and norms.
Mentoring Success
Mentoring and motivating others is central to work I do in enabling people to become change makers in their business. I have been fortunate to we have worked 1:1 with leading players at major blue chips including General Electric, Diageo, Volkswagen and Case CNH.
Working closely with them I have witnessed the outstanding levels of success they have achieved. It is no surprise that successful people often leave behind clues from which others can speedily learn, adapt and install in new personal behaviours. Over a lengthy period of time and much research have collated, analysed and developed this learning into a positive, uplifting Mentoring processes.
Challenges at Work
Those who benefit most from this Mentoring programme include people who are facing the following challenges:
- Rising from team management to a Leadership position
- Moving from Management to Leadership
- Working on and implementing Change programs
- Shaping a new team culture by overcoming resistance to change
- Leading and making Customer Focus processes work
- Introducing special projects such as Team Leadership, Lean initiatives, Communication processes and performance management
How does this work?
It means being exposed to and pursuing a highly structured program of learning. It requires a personal commitment and ownership to work 1:1 with me, or a favoured associate.
Is this for You?
We have found that many of our Mentoring projects evolve from working on larger initiatives with clients. Working with senior teams on ‘big ticket’ projects often generates the personal opportunities to work with small functional or operational teams, as well as working 1:1 with people who are on their way up, or needing structured support to take the next step.
Who benefits?
This may be for you or for others with whom you work. You may have teams that need structure and drive. You may want to go beyond the typical coaching program which creates a positive ‘feel good’ factor, but is light on results.
You may have high potential or enthusiastic people who currently need additional support to enable them to move on up and increase their personal impact, sustain their momentum and effectiveness.
Mastering Potential
Because I have been working with like-minded individuals, I have had the opportunity to develop a short and powerful program to support small teams and individuals. Thorough the medium of:
- One to one mentoring
- Undertake and assess their potential; and personality using the most valued and respected psychometric instruments
- Access to a structured and tailored Learning Management System to deal with very specific issues that relate to change
- A video library focused on ‘Mastering Potential’ and ‘influencing Anyone Anywhere’
Participants can radically improve their performance, set a new career direction and excel in their chosen field.
Investing in the Future
For a modest investment in Personal Mentoring, we can equip people and small teams to deliver outstanding results through a new in-built confidence in managing self and implementing change.
Designing for the Unknown
Who knows what challenges you face in the uncertain future? The best way we can successfully deal with the ‘uncertainty’ is by building our own character strengths: our personal, leadership, persistence, belief in our ability to improve, flexibility, empathy, confidence, self-control, and the ability to implement changes when required.
Each person or small team has their own Mentoring Strategy & Program which is undertaken and is delivered between specific time periods – depending on their desired outcomes. No two programs are the same.
If this is of interest to you for yourself or others, please get in contact as numbers for this cohort are restricted to 12 people from a variety of organisations.
Email [email protected]