We live in an uncertain economy, where organizations and management teams have to second-guess the unrelenting pressures that impact and change the conditions under which their organizations operate. As the need for adapting to change speeds up, in reality, the ability to process information and make informed decisions to implement change slows down. There appears to be an inverse relationship between the ‘need to change’ and the willingness and to ‘agility to achieve that change’.
Demographic Change
The rate of change is dizzying! We live in a time where there is a clash of generational values in driving change. This manifests itself in conflict of generational values between manager and managed. The older generation ‘Baby Boomers,’ many holding senior positions in organizations, are perplexed in managing their generation X, Y and Z counterparts, whose values and beliefs are as radically different to baby boomers as chalk and cheese.
Lean adapting to Uncertainty and Delivering high ROI
The marketplace and consumers are not standing still either. Add to this changing values in the eyes and the voice of the consumer and customer. Managing change in organizations is becoming increasingly a perilous and poorly practised art form. The younger generation ‘X’ and ‘Y’ values demand ‘empowerment and engagement’ whereas the boomers tend to value ‘command and control’. There requires an alignment in how to achieve ends and means and work as one team.
Dealing with the resultant stress, tension and uncertainty is not just the sole province of the profit sector. It is tough in the public and third sector where Government demand austerity measures and the budget deficit, trending with ‘achieving more with less’. There has to be a major culture change in order to see change as natural and a journey, seeing things through. Increasingly organizations are revisiting Lean methodologies to bring about that sustained change.
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